Inqluded was founded by a successful dyslexic, Quinn Bradlee, to create a deeper understanding of ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, and associated learning differences.


On this page, you will find more info on who Quinn is and how Inqluded wants to help.

Our Mission

Our Mission

The main objective of Inqluded is to inspire, empower, and support people with ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, and associated learning differences. That’s why Inqluded focuses on sharing inspirational success stories of people with learning differences and actionable resources about life with them.

Our Vision

We strive to become a go-to platform for anyone who has a learning difference or supports another person with one. Our goal is to be:

  • a source of inspiration and empowering success stories.
  • a bank of informative resources making life with or around learning differences easier.
  • a safe space for networking and connection where everyone feels inspired, connected, and, ultimately, Inqluded.
Quinn Bradlee

Quinn’s Story

Quinn Bradlee was born with Velocardiofacial [veelocardiofacial] Syndrome, often associated with heart defects and learning differences. With two holes in his heart and learning differences such as ADHD and Dyslexia, Quinn experienced firsthand that these conditions are often misunderstood and treated as disqualifying disabilities.

That’s why he set out to give people with learning differences a platform to change this perception and say how they want to be treated. Over 100 interviews, two books, and a successful blog later, Quinn now concentrates on providing people with learning differences and their support systems with valuable resources.

Our Values

We believe that nobody should feel opportunity-deprived, lonely or less than just because of the way they think or learn. That’s why we:

  • Choose to call ADHD, Dyslexia, and associated conditions “differences” rather than “disabilities.
  • Provide as much knowledge about these conditions as possible.
  • Provide knowledge of the law that regulates the rights of people with learning differences.
  • Encourage networking between people with learning differences as well as their support systems.
Our Values